
Vasika starter

Tõime augustis 2021 turule vasikate starter sööda. Antud sööt sai loodud selleks, et meie kliendid saavutaksid vasikate juurdekasvus maksimaalseid tulemusi. Pakume sööda juurde ka meie veterinaari Luisi farmikülastust, kes aitab lahendada farmispetsiifilisi küsimusi vasikate kasvatamisel




We all want our heifers to calf at an early age with a good body development. And we obviously want as low a morbidity and mortality as possible.

Pre-weaning mortality is a major issue in dairy farming around the world. US data (NAHMS, 2007) shows a mortality rate of 7.8%, with digestive problems responsible for 56.5% of these loses, and respiratory problems accounting for another 22.5%. It is known that digestive problems are a risk factor for respiratory problems, and vice versa. Even more, In European conditions is calculated that the rearing cost of a heifer that experiences disease is on average €95 higher compared to a healthy heifer.

And finally, it has also been demonstrated that each extra 100 gr of preweaning daily gain deliver an extra milk yield during first lactation of 155 kg (Soberon and Van Amburgh, 2013).

Meta-regression of the ADG (kg/d) effect (treatment – control) on milk yield response from calves offered more nutrients before weaning. Regression equation: milk yield = −106 kg + 1551.4 kg x ADG difference (P = 0.01).

F. Soberon and M.E. Van Amburgh, “The effect of nutrient intake from milk or milk replacer of preweaned dairy calves on lactation milk yield as adults: A meta-analysis of current data”. J. Anim. Sci. 2013.91 : 706-712

It really pays off to take good care of our heifers!

How can we do it?

Ensuring that our calves get the best start. The best to achieve the maximum feed intake and growth, and the best health.

The best means the most nutritive and most palatable raw materials, as soya concentrates with the highest digestibility and minimum antinutritive factors, and dairy fermented products for maximum nutrients and the easiest digestion. Not all raw materials are created equal, so it is necessary to ensure that the components ensure good digestibility and promote the development of the rumen absorption layer.

The best means reducing gastrointestinal disturbances. We include in our products a tested blend of organic acids and phytogenics that help controlling undesirable Gram-negative bacteria, and an special blend of phytogenics to help minimizing other disturbances. Finally, our fermented yeast products decrease intestinal inflammation and promote good absorption of nutrients and optimal intestinal health.

And of course, covering all the needs for vitamins and oligo-minerals that a calf needs, including B vitamins, choline and vitamin C.

And the best also means the aromas and flavors to make our calves just love it!



Tips for a good and healthy start until weaning


Control weight at birth and weaning and set your objectives on growing, morbidity and mortality


Colostrum. Provide at least 10% of birth body weight in the first 24 hours, and at least half of that in the first 6 hours. Keeping a bank of good quality frozen colostrum is good practice, but do not pool colostrum from different cows


Make sure that you use good quality colostrum. Check immunoglobulin content (Brix measure is ideal, at least 22) and keep bacterial contamination under control. Do not let colostrum sit for too long at room temperature


Transition milk for 2 or 3 days is highly nutritive and helps protecting the gut of the newborn calf


Milk supply must always be consistent in time, temperature and dilution. Be very careful if changing the milk or Calf Milk Replacer


Treat any calf with scours early and focus on fighting dehydration. Putting the calf off feed completely is usually not a good idea


Clean and comfortable environment. Bedding must be clean, dry and enough


Clean and comfortable environment. Avoid draughts but ensure ventilation


Use calf blankets when necessary. A calf younger than 3 weeks suffers from cold when temperature is lower than 20ºC


Clean and disinfect all buckets and equipment used.

If using an automatic milk feeder, also service it regularly


Keep the holes of the nipples in good condition and replace often. Clean and disinfect thoroughly every day


Renovate solid feed often to promote curiosity and feed intake


Offer high quality finely-chopped forage from the 1st week of life


Ensure good and clean water supply


Weaning is a very stressful moment for the calf. Reduce gradually the milk supply and do not wean a calf that is not eating at least 1200 gr of solid day per 3 consecutive days and provide the best environmental conditions


Keep the same starter feed after weaning for some weeks to avoid feed intake drop and post-weaning slump


Check regularly your calves for any symptom of disease: “sad” calf, feed intake drops, runny nose or eyes, tilting head or dropped ear, breath labor, abdominal pain or scours


Routine and quiet handling are key. Perform the same operations every day at the same time and by the same staff


Vasika ja talle starter (EE)

Täissööt, netokaal 30 kg, graanul.


Koostis: toorproteiin 18,25%, toorrasv 5,37%, toorkiud 4,25%, toortuhk 5,93%, ME 2,66 Kcal, kaltsium 0,56%, fosfor 0,36%, tärklis 32,7%


Analüütilised koostisosad: soja, nisu, mais, oder, melass, vasika premiks, rapsiõli, kaer, suhkrupeet, päevalillekook, lubjakivi, sool, sooda


Lisatud söödalisandid: vit A (18400 IU/kg), vit D3 (1600 IU/kg), vit E (88 IU/kg),

 Biotiin (0,24 mg/kg)


Mikroelemendid: Zn (0,07 ppm), Mn (0,03 ppm), Cu (0,01 ppm)


Kasutusjuhend: sööta vastavalt konsultandi juhendile


Tootja: Eesti, Pro Grupp Invest OÜ Kantküla söödatehas, α-EE-03734

Aadress: Kantküla küla, Pammi


Retsept: Ecovet Economia Veterinaria, S.L.

Müük: Pecador OÜ, +37256640008, www.pecador.ee




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